The articles and poems available on the website are as follows:
I wrote this article after walking the Coast Path between 2000 and 2007. Of all my writings, I feel that this one is the most heartfelt, and says the most about how I see the world. (Reprinted from Avalon Magazine, Issue 43, Autumn/Winter 2009.)
This poem (written for the Druid magazine Touchstone) is again very heartfelt, and expresses some of my spiritual beliefs. (Reprinted from Touchstone, issue 158, October 2009.)
This article is addressed to psychotherapists, and discusses the importance of the “place” dimension which psychotherapists have mostly ignored. (Reprinted from Self and Society, Volume 34 no.6, May-June 2007.)
This is an astrological article, dealing with the fact that Ronald Maddison, an RAF engineer, was killed by scientists at Porton Down on the same day that Tony Blair was born. (Reprinted from The Astrological Journal, Volume 52 no.6, November/December 2010.)
This is a poem about my own birth, written after I had attended a workshop in which I re-experienced my birth.
This article is reprinted from The Astrological Journal, Jan-Feb 2020.
This article is reprinted from The Astrological Journal, Sep/Oct 2020.
In my book Harmonic Astrology in Practice I wrote about how, in writing the book, I was greatly helped by Alicia Gaydos, and how, shortly after the book was finished, Alicia died in a road accident. I am now intending to write a short book, with the provisional title Beautiful Alicia, an Astrological Memoir, about Alicia and my relationship with her. The three sections included here, Alicia's Passing, Conclusion, and Death on the Roads, are intended for inclusion in this book.
My email address is, and you are welcome to contact me.